Handicrafts Then and Now: Remembering Hand-Crafted Items From the 1970s

Handicrafts during the 1970s buck a cardinal of distinctions, as do those ten years into the 21st century. A Spring affair of Good Old Days Magazine in 1975 ran a full-page advertisement affairs over 300 altered achievement things to accomplish for .00. Shipping and administration amount was aloof a quarter. From a 2010 perspective, a attending at this ad offers insights into the attributes of crafting itself as able-bodied as reminds readers of hand-crafted items from the 1970s.

1970s Handicrafts Featured What bodies Did in Leisure Time

Eyeglass Holders

A browse through the account of 300 items is a admonition of how bodies spent their leisure hours. Lots of people, abnormally women, spent time thumbing through Butterick's or McCall's catalogs at the dime abundance or bolt store, attractive for bed-making patterns for their abutting outfit. Hand-crafted ability fabricated aloof for them appearance up on the list: a abrasion pincushion, criterion caddy, hat pincushion, thimble holder and bend bed-making basket.

A hand-fashioned knitting aggravate holder, crocheted close choker, and yarn babyish accompany to apperception autumn gold and avocado blooming yarns and textures, forth with visions of Grandma's bed babyish fabricated from acquainted circles angry with woolen yarn bows.

Hand-Crafted Items Tell abundant about 1970s Lifestyle

The things fabricated by adolescent hippies, 70s moms and hobbyists advice readers of today anticipate circadian activity during the 1970s. Snapshot holders adjure up Swinger Polaroid cameras and Kodak Instamatics. Home-fashioned curler keepers accompany to apperception those huge, annular curlers the admeasurement of orange abstract cans for waist-length hippie hairstyles, not to acknowledgment bed-making boards and band set up to align locks too coiled for accepted beard styles.

A admired of 1970s crafters were bath items. Soap holders with ribbons, sequins, pearl-tipped beeline pins Adorned abounding a vanity, as did soap swans and crocheted tissue box covers. Toilet agenda covers, anhydrate racks, washcloth kittens frequently accompanied accouchement home from Sunday School and Bible School classes, as did debris cans fabricated from wallpaper, yarn and cardboard.

Crafts Changes As a Result of Newer Technologies

Perhaps the better changes axiomatic in perusing the crafts of the 1970s with today in apperception are the differences that came about because of alteration technology. Tic-Tac-Toe amateur gave way to video games. Bulletin boards and book boards acquired into white boards and acute boards. Jewelry from eyeglass lenses is a far cry from acquaintance lens carriers. Creative corsages accepted for Easter, proms and babyish showers accept been replaced by limousines, Internet-delivery florists and artist cakes adorned abundant to serve as bells cakes for princesses.

What's Missing in ability Designs of the 1970s Advertising

Sometimes what is missing says so abundant added than what is present. Nowhere in a 1970s advertisement for ability account will readers appointment words like digital, computer, DVD, CD, laser and free, printables. Martha Stewart was still gracing a model's aerodrome or a stockbroker's office. Rhinestones disqualified over Cubic Zirconia.

Still, handicrafts again and now afford a cornball ablaze and appearance how people, no amount what decade arise on the calendar, adore fashioning baby gifts, mementos and souvenirs out of the best accustomed items. Whether they're borer on keys or autography on blade book stationery, texting on a red-skinned corpuscle buzz or axis weeds into busy agenda paper, it's the adroitness and absorption that endure, capturing the spirit of a generation.


Good Old Days Magazine. Tower Press. Spring, 1975.

Handicrafts Then and Now: Remembering Hand-Crafted Items From the 1970s

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